The resignations of professors in Filosofía y Letras in 1966 and 1975. Keys for a comparative analysis


  • Cristina Viano Escuela de Historia; Centro Latinoamericano de Investigaciones en Historia Oral y Social; Programa de Preservación Documental; Facultad de Humanidades y Artes; Universidad Nacional de Rosario



The coup and the intervention at the universities in 1966 provoked different gestures of resistance from authorities, teachers and the student movement; however within the teaching staff no action reached the degree of projection that the resignations had. Nor persistence in university memory. In the span of just over a month since the intervention, the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (FFyL) of the UNL (today Humanities and Arts of the UNR) was dismantled of professors and assistants. This was due to the fact that a significant number took the path of resignation as a form of protest. They publicly stated their reasons through documents and requested in the media. Just nine years later, in October 1975, a group of FFyL teachers were threatened with death by Triple A and forced to leave the university. Some of these professors had been resignations from '66. They resigned individually and left not only the university but the city and in other cases the country. The purpose of this article is to examine in detail and in a comparative way these two junctures of university life, taking as an axis of analysis the resignations of professors from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (UNL-UNR) in 1966 and 1975.


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How to Cite

Viano, C. (2024). The resignations of professors in Filosofía y Letras in 1966 and 1975. Keys for a comparative analysis. Anuario De La Escuela De Historia, (40).

