The history´s stones. Materiality, memories and uprising in the photographic artifacts La Casita and 88 Pedazos


  • Natalia Fortuny Universidad de Buenos Aires, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas



The photographic installation La Casita (2021), by Rolando Castro from Chubut, is made up of photographic images printed on floors and walls fragments of the former clandestine detention center Regimiento de Infantería N° 8 Gral. O´Higgins, a construction located behind of the Comodoro Rivadavia airport that was demolished prior to becoming a memorial site. The photographs´s book 88 piezas (2018 and 2022, Editorial La Balsa) by the artist Federico Paladino presents the remains of an urban revolt: the stones thrown in the protest against the pension reform bill discussed in Congress on December 18, 2017, during the government of Mauricio Macri. This are works -material and visual- that turn to photography for the reconstruction and salvage of remains. What do these photographic artifacts bring about what these stones attested? What meanings do they tie into these remains? In what way do the photographic production strategies of these works highlight the material condition in each image?


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How to Cite

Fortuny, N. (2024). The history´s stones. Materiality, memories and uprising in the photographic artifacts La Casita and 88 Pedazos. Anuario De La Escuela De Historia, (41).