Time and future. Essay on possible practices: escapism, immediate struggles and collective action


  • Paula Godinho Departamento de Antropologia e Instituto de História Contemporânea, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa


In a feared and postponed future, of prudent reformism, one does not always look to the past to find company, discover utopias or stimulate the imaginary of non-dystopian future societies. However, through possible practices, human beings continue to shape daily life and the ways of dealing with the time to come. In this text, I intend to reflect on three of those practices to organize life and deal with time: (1) escapism; (2) the daily resistances, in the field of the so-called «immediate struggles»; (3) revolutionary enthusiasm, when the impossible penetrates the horizon of possibilities. These practices are detectable in the great causes, just as they accompany the "humble dreams", the banalities and urgency of the necessary routines. One of them depends on an impossibility, which implies parallel processes, what exists and what can exist, and which invokes the past that is chosen for the desired futures, between the whip of history, the past futures and the worlds to be created.


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How to Cite

Godinho, P. (2023). Time and future. Essay on possible practices: escapism, immediate struggles and collective action. Anuario De La Escuela De Historia, (39). Retrieved from https://anuariodehistoria.unr.edu.ar/index.php/Anuario/article/view/403