Traditional records and digital tools: exploring the Session Journals of the Argentinian National Congress during the primer peronismo with Gephi
My proposal for this paper is to review the political and historical uses that were made of the Session Journals of classical Peronism –paying attention both to their characteristics as a historical source and as an element of intervention in the public debate– and to present possible forms of using digital tools to analyze one record included in these documents: the reports of roll-call votes for the Chamber of Deputies. The goal will be not only to reconstruct one of the daily dimensions of legislative work, but also to recover the usefulness of this type of information to think about one of the most controversial aspects –as it was interpreted by historians, journalists, political analysts, and native observers– of the Peronist experience: the systematic incorporation of workers and union leaders to the parliament. Rather than an attempt to redefine historical research using digital tools, what I want to present is an analysis of a rarely used set records that is halfway between the exploration of data with digital tools –Gephi in this case– and the critical review of the possibilities and difficulties involved in using this type of software for historical research.Downloads
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